Thursday, December 2, 2010

Foreign Country Podcast and an "ACCEPTANCE"!!!!

Thanks to the efforts of Matt Cowans, you can now hear my reading of "Miramar is Possum Free" as part of a Foreign Country podcast:

The podcast also contains Ripley Patton's competition winning "The Future of the Sky".

That's the first time I've read and recorded one of my stories - always weird hearing my own voice, and weirder when I'm attempting angry Aussie or Brazilian accents. And you'll just have to accept that I have performed the mutant possum accent perfectly - that is how they really speak, honest.

So huge thanks to Matt for putting the whole thing together and sticking on the web.

Other news...

My story "Trip Hawker and the Asteroid of Vengeance" has been accepted for an anthology called "Rockets, Swords and Rainbows- New Tales of Science Fiction", to be published next year by the sci-fi offshoot of the Library of the Living Dead Press. As a rule, it's a site big on zombies but they're happy to branch out into all kinds of pulp, genre stuff.

I wrote the Trip Hawker story about 4 years ago (at least in its first form). Spec Fic NZ's newsletter had the submission details and it just clicked that it would be the ideal place for it.

So, to pay tribute to the zombie-lovers of "Library of the Living Dead", here's 100 words of zombie action:

The undead lurched towards Brian and Jess. She climbed up some scaffolding and Brian followed. It creaked.
“It’ll break,” she shrieked. “Stay there. Fight them.”
“No way,” he shouted. The scaffolding wobbled.
Two zombies lurched forward, grabbing at their feet. Jess screamed and kicked Brian.
He fell between the two zombies. In a moment one had bit into his neck.
The pain was furious, filling his soul. His blood pumped out. The cold, alien virus streamed in.
Brian died.
The zombie dropped his dead flesh; turning back to the girl.
Brian felt hungry. He saw Jess and licked his lips.

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